Equity + Fees

Our hope is that everyone has access to quality mental health services. We want to express our commitment to working with our clients by providing an equitable fee structure.

  • Psychological Testing and Assessment $300 per hour

    Psychological Consultation $300 per hour

    Forensic Testing and Evaluation $400 per hour

  • Individual Psychotherapy $150 per 50-minute session

    Couples Psychotherapy $180 per 50-minute session

    Family Psychotherapy $200 per 50-minute session

  • Individual Psychotherapy $180 per 50-minute session

A note on insurance: We recommend for our clients to speak with their insurance provider prior to scheduling services with WPS. Specifically to ensure clients have all the information that is needed to make informed decisions about anticipated out-of-pocket expenses, pre-certification requirements, and claim instructions.

A note on equity and bartering: We understand that in some circumstances, clients may not be able to begin services due to financial hardship. Each WPS provider may offer a sliding scale option and/or the opportunity to barter for services. According to the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct, bartering is defined as “the acceptance of goods, services, or other nonmonetary remuneration from clients/patients in return for psychological services. Psychologists may barter only if (1) it is not clinically contraindicated, and (2) the resulting arrangement is not exploitative”, (APA, 2017, 6.05) In some unique situations this option may be appropriate. If you have additional questions, please discuss them with your WPS clinician.